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Acting Skills, Ages 9-11
Saturdays 10:45 - 12:15
January 11 - March 8 (8 Sessions)
*No classes February 15
Sundays 10:15 - 11:45
January 12 - March 9 (8 Sessions)
*No classes February 16
Sundays 12:00 - 1:30
January 12 - March 9 (8 Sessions)
*no classes February 16​
Course Fee: $275 + HST
What’s in the “Actor’s Tool Box”? Your voice, your body and your mind. In our Acting Skills classes, young actors learn how to work with their “Tool Box” to communicate thoughts and feelings. Working with poetry and scripts to expand their language skills, students discover how to bring original characters to life. There is a focus on developing ensemble acting skills through improvisation and dramatic play.
LOCATION: In-Person at 355 Cooper St.
Cara Pantalone (Saturdays)
Nikki Carriere (Sundays 10:15 - 11:45)
Anne Hamels (Sundays 12:00 - 1:30)
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